Money Mindset

How to turn a financial crisis into financial abundance

When you hear the word ‘recession’ or ‘financial crisis,’ what is your first reaction? Really pay attention to how your body, mind, thoughts, and emotions react to those words.

If you are older enough, you might have heard those words more than once. I mainly got hit twice. Once, when I started a career, finding a job was way more difficult for a fresher because many experienced people were available to do the work at the fresher’s salary. And 2nd time was at the peak of my successful career when I was hit not only by the recession but also by gender discrimination.  

Well, I left all that so behind that I can’t even recognize that it was me. And I suggest you do the same if you want to turn your life around and take it for a spin.

>> Life is choice, Choose wisely

1. Stop thinking and talking about your “financial crisis.”

Really! I mean it. Our mind is such an obedient servant. It just keeps showing us more evidence of what is already going on in our minds. The more you think about the financial crisis, the more you talk about it, the “worse” it will get FOR YOU. Your INNER ECONOMY is far more potent than the OUTER ECONOMY! Change your inner economy, and the outer economy will start changing itself for you. It’s cliché, but it all is really in mind only.

Instead of giving your energy towards ‘Financial Crisis’, use it to form a clear and definite VISION OF EXACTLY what you want in your life? Once you create your vision, focus all your thoughts and words on it from that moment on.

2. Treat your personal finances like a business.

The most significant advantage of treating it as a business is it helps you come out of that emotional self-subrogating loop of worry and fear and help you see what you need to do to overcome that challenge.

A business has 2 choices when it comes to a financial crisis

  • 1> Increase revenue / income
  • 2> Decrease expenses

>> How to Spend Less Than You Earn

Based on the situation, a business decides which will fix the problem to keep it floating. Many times it’s the combination of both strategies. Once they analyze the case, they get up and DO something about it. TALKING about your financial crisis will not take you anywhere but DOING something about it will certainly do! When you DO, do it from a position of financial abundance and not from a place of economic scarcity. 

3. Have faith in your ability and the universe.

With faith, you bring your future closer and start living a little piece of it right NOW. BUT your FAITH will work if you WORK with it. Always back up your faith with solid ACTION!

The bottom line is if you believe you are in a financial crisis or you are in Financial Abundance…YOU ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. 

The space between your 2 ears is the most expensive real estate in the world. But, it creates the world you believe in. So, whether you want to create scarcity or abundance in your life…THE CHOICE IS YOURS!!!


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